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Anan Green Data Centers Colocation for Cloud Services, Server Hosting, Network Infrastructure, Data Storage, Cybersecurity, Ready for Scalability

Afula Data Center

Building Tomorrow's Infrastructure

Strategically located in Israel’s developing northern region in the Jezreel Valley, our Afula data center location is less than one hour from Tel Aviv and even closer to Haifa. Built underground with cutting-edge technology, the data center will be equipped with 64 MVA – with 10,000 sqm of white floor space for our customers’ equipment.

Our sites will be built with the highest level of security and protection: from physical and cyber-attacks, from fire and water hazards. They will be fully autonomous for up to 110 hours in case of any power cuts or emergencies.

Anan Green Data Centers Colocation for Cloud Services, Server Hosting, Network Infrastructure, Data Storage, Cybersecurity, Ready for Scalability








64 MVA



Afula data centers will provide N+N redundancy across all systems, making interruptions almost impossible. State-of-the-art electrical equipment will offer maximum efficiency and reliability, and ensure 100% customer uptime. The electricity will be provided by Israel Electric Company.


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Afula data centers will use a highly efficient 2N water-cooled chillers system with the support of MATAM Energy Center N+1 CRAH configuration.


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The security of our data centers is our highest priority. Using our multi-layered security as well as our on-site security team (present 24/7, every day of the year) will allow us to make sure that your digital assets are as safe as they can be. The data centers are protected with biometric readers and CCTV surveillance with a 60-day retention.


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Anan designed its data centers with sustainability and environmental responsibility at the center of its reflection. In Afula, data centers will be built using a high-efficiency design with a PUE of 1.4 and a hyper-efficient cooling system to limit our carbon footprints


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2 underground floors

each floor with 4,780 sqm.

1 above-ground floor

of 500 sqm, featuring a main entrance as well as space for offices, administration, and maintenance

Anan Green Data Centers Colocation for Cloud Services, Server Hosting, Network Infrastructure, Data Storage, Cybersecurity, Ready for Scalability - Afula Data Centers

the data center in Afula has three floors:

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